Wednesday, May 11, 2016


It goes without saying that the game of golf is a popular sport throughout the world, transcending all cultures and even socio-economic barriers.  Many companies and business entities are capitalizing on golf’s popularity and forward momentum.

For most of us however, our relationship with golf is one who might own some golf clubs, possibly even passed down from the previous generation, that sit in the garage or closet somewhere without the possibility of seeing the light of day or the glory of an actual course.  No, most relate vicariously through the professional golfer who displays their proficiency in the game each and every week with surgical prowess on most every shot and putt, to cause most would-be golfers to enjoy the game from an easy chair or an occasional conversation around the water cooler.

So, to ask someone about their love for the game, would require the asker to know one’s relationship to the game.  Is their livelihood derived from the game?  Do they invest their time, money and affection into the game on a regular basis?  Can they spell golf?  Have they ever taken an instructional lesson from a professional golf teacher to improve their skill in actually playing the game?

Unfortunately, I could have easily written the same information about the average Christian.  Most people are good people, who hold a membership in some church, possibly handed down from the previous generation.  Yeah, they own a Bible somewhere, just not sure where it might be located.  They might chat a bit if asked about their church, just don’t ask them about their faith.  Recently, I spent several hours with two Christians on a golf course without even a hint of conversation about their faith and love in Christ.  Even when prompted, over the years, I have rarely been successful in holding deep conversations with folks about their faith-even ministers.

You know there is a huge difference in saying that you have a relationship with someone and todd murner golf ball - once was lostsaying that you identify with someone.  A relationship only speaks of the fact that you are in proximity to the person on some level, albeit possibly a distant acquaintance, without being impacted and influenced by that person or visa versa.  Conversely, to identify with someone is to hold the same interests, to be affected and effected by one another’s views and experiences to the point of instigating change or being changed yourself.  Most people today have a relationship with Christ, they just don’t really identify with Christ.  Those entities and elements that are supremely important to Him, just aren’t that necessary to most “Christians”.

My wife and I agreed some time ago that we are teetotalers.  If we are in, we are all in.  You will rarely talk to either of us that we are not speaking of the awesomeness of Yahweh and the growth and development of our faith.  We enjoy hours and hours of fellowship with others that flows by like minutes as we lose ourselves in conversation about the Kingdom of Christ.  Yes, we are all in and we desire to expend the energies and resources of our lives to identify with Christ.  For the King!
So dust off your faith in Christ and preach the good news that will impact the lives of others for eternity.  Don’t just have a ‘relationship’ with Christ, identify with the revelation and authority of Christ and change the world.


from Todd Murner

from WordPress

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